Using SSX with Auth.js

SSX support for Auth.js


In early 2023, the team behind NextAuth introduced Auth.js as a new, even more extensible authentication framework.

Unlike NextAuth, which can only be used with Next, Auth.js allows developers to build bindings for any frontend framework using one backend for authorization and authentication. SSX currently has support for Auth.js in the following ways:


The Auth packages for the Next.js client and server are still a work in progress. We are keeping a close eye on any new developments. For now, if your project uses a Next frontend, you can follow the tutorial hereUsing SSX with NextAuth.


The first binding that Auth.js offers is sveltekit. Auth.js provides an example application sveltekit-auth-example that demonstrates the functionality of the authjs/sveltekit package with a simple sign-in/sign-out interface and a protected page. In this guide, we extend the example provided by Auth.js to include the option to sign in with Ethereum using an SSX Credentials provider. You can see the full implementation here:ssx-test-sveltekit-auth

Setting up

  • To get started, clone the official sveltekit-auth-example:

git clone
  • Navigate to the sveltekit-auth-example directory and save the required ssx dependencies by typing the following in your terminal:

yarn add @spruceid/ssx @spruceid/ssx-authjs @spruceid/ssx-server siwe
  • Create a .env file with cp .env.example .env then add and provide a value for AUTH_SECRET using the instructions provided in .env.example

  • Add process.env to the config in vite.config.js as follows:

      define: {
        'process.env': process.env
  • Finally, install all dependencies for the project with yarn install

Add SvelteAuth API Route

We create an API route for SvelteKitAuth and configure it with SSX in /hooks/server.ts. SSX provides credentials and authorize functions that are configured to create a SvelteKitAuth Credentials provider.

SSX also provides a session function, but it is likely you will want to modify the contents of the function to provide specific session data from the server to the frontend client.

To get started from the example provided by auth.js, remove all the code in /hooks/server.ts and copy and paste the following:

import { SvelteKitAuth } from "@auth/sveltekit"
import Credentials from "@auth/core/providers/credentials"
import { SSXServer } from "@spruceid/ssx-server";
import { generateNonce } from "siwe";
import { SSXSvelteAuth } from '@spruceid/ssx-authjs/server'

const ssx = new SSXServer({});

export const handle = (params) => {
  const { credentials, authorize } = SSXSvelteAuth(params.event.cookies, ssx);

  if (params.event.url.pathname === "/ssx-nonce") {
    const nonce = generateNonce();
    params.event.cookies.set('nonce', nonce, {
      path: '/',
      httpOnly: true,
      sameSite: 'strict',
      secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
      maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, // one week
    return new Response(nonce, { status: 200, });

  return SvelteKitAuth({
    providers: [

Using SSX Provider with NextAuth in your dapp

In our +layout.svelte page, we create an SSX instance to handle signing in. To do this in your own app, you can add the following imports and code inside of the script tags in +layout.svelte

<script lang="ts">
import { page } from "$app/stores"
import { SSX } from "@spruceid/ssx"
import { SSXSvelteAuthRouteConfig } from "@spruceid/ssx-authjs/client"

const { server } = SSXSvelteAuthRouteConfig();
const ssxConfig = {
  siweConfig: {
    domain: "localhost:5173",
  providers: {
const ssx = new SSX(ssxConfig);
const handleSignIn = () => {

Then, replace this line

with a button that uses the SSX sign-in function:

<button on:click={handleSignIn} class="buttonPrimary" data-sveltekit-preload-data="off">Sign-in</button>

Putting it all together

At this point, your example app should work! Launch the app by running yarn run dev in your terminal and opening your browser to http://localhost:5173/.

Last updated