SSX Quickstart

This guide will help you bootstrap an SSX application, or help add SSX to your existing setup


Create SSX Dapp

Starting from scratch? We have an easy way to get started with an application bootstrapped with Sign-In with Ethereum and SSX.

Try using create-ssx-dapp to quickly bootstrap a dapp using SSX:

yarn create @spruceid/ssx-dapp
# OR
npx @spruceid/create-ssx-dapp

The repository for the create-ssx-dapp application can be found here:

Add SSX to Your Existing Dapp

SSX can be added as a dependency to your project using your preferred Node.js package manager by running any of the following commands.

npm install @spruceid/ssx
# or
yarn add @spruceid/ssx
# or 
pnpm install @spruceid/ssx

Once installed SSX can be instantiated at any point in your frontend dapp. Below is an example of a function that could be called on a sign-in button. This creates an SSX instance, prompts the user to connect and Sign-In with Ethereum, and stores information about the user's session in the ssx object.

import { SSX } from "@spruceid/ssx";

const signIn = async () => {
    const ssx = new SSX({
      enableDaoLogin: true,
      resolveEns: true,
      providers: {
        web3: { driver: window.ethereum },
        server: { host: process.env.SERVER_URL },
    const { success, error, session } = await ssx.signIn();
    const { address, siwe, signature, ens: { domain } } = session;

Installation on Server

We have a number of server examples available for those getting started with SSX. Check out SSX Server Quickstart for more info!

To get started with ssx-server, install ssx-server with your preferred package manager by running any of the following commands:

npm install @spruceid/ssx-server
# or
yarn add @spruceid/ssx-server
# or 
pnpm install @spruceid/ssx-server

Looking for SSX support for serverless or other servers besides Express? Check out Configuring SSX on other Servers

Express.js Middleware

On your server, you'll need to create an instance of ssx-server and pass it to an Express middleware layer, as seen below. ssx-server doesn't require configuration parameters to use, however, it's recommended to have the following variables set:

import { SSXServer, SSXExpressMiddleware } from "@spruceid/ssx-server";

const ssx = new SSXServer({
  providers: {
    metrics: { service: "ssx", apiKey: process.env.SSX_API_KEY },

// const app = express();
/* It's possible to override the routes by passing a second parameter:
app.use(SSXExpressMiddleware(ssx, {
  nonce: '/ssx-custom-nonce',
  login: {
    path: '/ssx-custom-login',
    callback: (req: Request) => {
      console.log(`User ${req.body.address} successfully signed in`);
  logout: '/ssx-custom-logout',
})); */

Last updated