Configuring SSX Server

SSX aims to work with as many different servers and backend configurations as possible. Please reach out if you find your server configuration currently unsupported.


SSX has support for Express, and it is the default we assume for users of the library. Check out our guides on SSX Server Quickstart and Scaling SSX Server to see examples of how to use SSX with Express.

Node HTTP Server Middleware

On your server, you'll need to create an instance of ssx-server and pass it to an HTTP middleware layer, as seen below. ssx-server doesn't require configuration parameters to use, however, it's recommended to have the following variables set:

import http, { IncomingMessage, ServerResponse } from "http";
import { SSXServer, SSXHttpMiddleware } from "@spruceid/ssx-server";

const ssx = new SSXServer({
  providers: {
    metrics: { service: "ssx", apiKey: process.env.SSX_API_TOKEN },

const ssxMiddleware = SSXHttpMiddleware(ssx);
/* It's possible to override the routes by passing a second parameter:
const ssxMiddleware = SSXHttpMiddleware(ssx, {
  nonce: '/ssx-custom-nonce',
  login: {
    path: '/ssx-custom-login',
    callback: async (req: IncomingMessage, body?: Record<string, any>) => {
      console.log(`User ${body.address} successfully signed in`);
  logout: '/ssx-custom-logout',
}); */

const processRequest = async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => { ... };

const requestListener = async (req: IncomingMessage, res: ServerResponse) => {
  await ssxMiddleware()(req, res);
  await processRequest(req, res);

const server = http.createServer(requestListener);

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